GM Chevrolet 6.0 366 - Production Years 1991-1998


From 1991-1998, Chevy/GM medium and heavy-duty trucks included the 366. This engine had a long run. It was manufactured without fail from 1968 until 2004, with only minor changes throughout its life.

The 366 is Chevy/GM’s tallest engine–one half of an inch taller than other Chevy big blocks.

The 1991-1998 366s eliminated the 2-piece main seal, making it easier to identify than both the 1968-1985 and 1985-1990 models.

Makes & Models

  • 1991-1998 Chevy & GM Medium Trucks
  • 1991-1998 Chevy & GM school buses

1991-1998 Chevy 366s from MABBCO

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